Sunday, August 4, 2013

Power Rangers Cosplay

Look at these guys, they did an awesome cosplay.
Each power ranger costume was home made with spandex. Helmets were new & used motorcycle helmets, sprayed & hand painted. Gloves were store bought; forearms were pleather with spandex stitched in. Belts were pleather with homemade wood buckles and printed logos. Boots were just homemade white spandex socks.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Power Rangers Mystic Force

Power Rangers Mystic Force is the fourteenth season of the Power Rangers franchise. It is the first and only Disney-produced Power Rangers series to feature the main villain in its Super Sentai counterpart, and is the first of the Disney-produced Power Rangers series in which all the actors playing the five core Rangers are of Australian or New Zealander descent.

Power Rangers Mystic Force Character List: